Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Analyse and research of area related to criminology (based on Essay
Investigate and research of region identified with criminology (in view of article)) - Essay Example The motivation behind this examination is to look at the utilization of the web as an apparatus for sexual predation, especially by ladies. Following a writing audit on the theme, 50 members from the North-East of England to analyze the amount of a risk female sex guilty parties are seen to be with regards to digital wrongdoing. Martellozzo, Nehring and Taylor (2010) set up that females do in reality utilize the web to target youngsters as a feature of a sex offense. Nonetheless, the region has not gotten a lot of consideration, and along these lines there can be an untouchable about female sex guilty parties and it tends to be hard for criminal examinations to reach a strong resolution, as the territory is ineffectively comprehended. Martellozzo, Nehring and Taylor (2010) portray the utilization of the web by female sex guilty parties as a ‘emerging problem’ (p1) which should be tended to in a criminological way to completely comprehend the results and noteworthiness of the issue. It is maybe critical to characterize what establishes kid maltreatment in an electronic way to completely comprehend the setting of the article. Youngster sexual maltreatment in a cybercrime setting can incorporate (however isn't constrained to) sharing and downloading of sexual photography of underage people, the utilization of express language in talk rooms and through other online media, and the drawing closer of minors with the point of beginning a sexual relationship in the ‘real world’ (Martellozzo, Nehring and Taylor, 2010, p2). The web permits these exercises to be directed with a level of mystery, which implies that youngsters are regularly more in danger of these exercises online than they are in the ‘real world’, despite the fact that the impacts might be similarly as harming. The examination associated with crafted by Martellozzo, Nehring and Taylor (2010) comprised of an exploratory technique including assortment of subjective information from open meetings with 15 female sex guilty parties post-capture. These
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Statistical Analysis in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Measurable Analysis in Nursing - Essay Example 2.Non parametric tests like Chi square tests and Fischer’s test (as utilized in this investigation) are utilized when the example size is little and doesn't speak to the populace in totality and furthermore when the factors are ordinal, ostensible and discrete factors( factors which can't be estimated and regardless of whether estimated can't be extrapolated to decimal spots). Chi square worth assesses the affiliation or freedom between the two factors. On the off chance that the likelihood esteem (p esteem) for invalid theory for a specific estimation of chi square surpasses the basic chi square worth then it is construed that the two factors are not autonomous and the two factors are altogether connected with one another. ... ean significance esteems for each factor for the gathering of 21 medical attendants considered which were probably going to impact dynamic examples were-future wellbeing status, 39%; family input, 19%; individual's age, 13%; additional expense to organization, 12%; utilitarian status, 10%; and mental skill, 6%. There were three other dynamic examples, each displayed by one medical caretaker: One attendant depended intensely on mental capability (43%) and individual's age (52%), another stressed mental skill (43%) and utilitarian status (29%), and the third utilized additional expense to office (66%) enhanced by individual's age (18%) for treatment of ID. Medical attendant's work site, age, instruction, and long periods of experience didn't separate among these dynamic examples in this little pilot study sample.(These factors were not related or connected with dynamic ) 3. Parametric tests like Student’s t test and ANOVA small not reasonable for this investigation as on the gro unds that the factors being referred to were not quantitative variables(measurement factors) and furthermore in light of the fact that the example size was excessively little. 4. The qualities of the examination was instead of a prescriptive or standardizing point of view on dynamic the technique uncovered how really a dynamic occurs in a genuine recreated circumstance. The estimations were proper comparable to chi square, Pearson’s r and Fischer’s test thinking about little and non-delegate test of the all out populace. The examination configuration incorporated all the proper factors that could have influenced dynamic procedure. The impediments were the example size which should have been more to have a right extrapolation to the ID populace treated at the ED on totality. Certifiable dynamic may leave based on what was found in this investigation since recreation gives just an estimation of
Sunday, July 26, 2020
my application essays
my application essays Its been four years since I applied to MIT, and while Ive been irrevocably changed in many ways (my meme game has improved exponentially), I am sadly still 52. Thats 157 cm, for the 95.7% of humans who dont reside in America. Autumn came late this year; the leaves are only now ripening. The sky is full-bellied with sunshine. Still, were on the verge of November, and Im reminiscing about my own early action application. Heres what I wrote about, and what I would change if I could do it all over again. Of course, this is only one approach to the essays. The most important thing is to be true to yourself. We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (100 words or fewer) I wrote this essay about K-pop. However, before I wrote about K-pop, I considered writing about a myriad of other things. I posted to College Confidential, asking which topic would best showcase my abilities, and promptly got roasted for trying to turn this essay into another opportunity to humblebrag. Lesson learned. Its actually okay to do things for fun, guys. I still love K-pop; however, I could also see current-me writing an essay about memes or naps. I didnt truly appreciate the value of either of these things until I got to college. Although you may not yet know what you want to major in, which department or program at MIT appeals to you and why? (100 words or fewer) I initially misunderstood this question and wrote about wanting to help out with the Harvard-MIT Math Tournament, which I participated in during high school. Then my dad was like, Im pretty sure they mean an academic program, and I wrote a new essay, which you can read below: With passion for both English and mathematics, I’m drawn to MIT’s unique writing department, which offers both creative and science writing. I’m particularly interested in 21W.742[J] Writing about Race and 21W.032 Science Writing and New Media. In my own work, I examine an Asian-American narrative often marginalized in the media; these courses would allow me to explore new ways of bringing visibility to this identity. In addition, I want to study the roles writing can play outside of literature and learn how I can meld my interests to do something that will make an impact. In retrospect, this essay couldve focused more on why I particularly wanted to study at MIT. I didnt look at the course catalog too carefully. I simply pulled the titles of some classes that sounded interesting and relevant. Perhaps similar courses are offered at other schools; I shouldve researched more about what made MIT unique. (Current-me can confirm MIT does have a pretty kick-ass writing department.) At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc. (200-250 words) I wrote about organizing my schools Harvard-MIT Math Tournament team and about starting an online writing mentorship program. Current-me wants to be obnoxious and point out that leading is not necessarily the same as contributing, but to seventeen-year-old Rona, these examples were the most obvious ones to write about, even if they werent truly the most impactful. Still, I cared a lot about these initiatives, had fun carrying them out, and saw their effects ripple through the communities I was part of. Maybe thats all that matters. Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations? (200-250 words) For this one, I wrote about slam poetry: The stage lights burst open, blinding and white. I trembled. I was at the citywide poetry slam, Verselandia, about to perform in front of hundreds. Earlier in the month, I had qualified through my high school’s contest, which I had signed up for because, “Hey, there might be free cookies!†(There were not.) At the time, I didn’t know much about spoken word besides from street performers (this was downtown Portland, after all). But I practiced in front of my mirror, my friends, and my faithful stuffed animals. Ultimately, I’d placed first at school. At Verselandia, I watched others perform about abuse, racism, and feminism. A few talked about their LGBTQ+ identities; one addressed bisexual erasure, which I could personally relate to. Slowly, I realized that writing didn’t serve just as a cathartic outlet; it could startle others into empathy and create awareness. At the slam, I delivered lines like “Your heritage is more than an exotic enigma.†Afterwards, several Chinese-American classmates told me they could relate. I realized that my writing had the power to give these experiences visibility, which in turn might help erase damaging yet common preconceptions about my ethnicity. As a Portland Youth Poet Ambassador, I have opportunities to not only promote creative writing, but also advocate for social equality. Through poetry, I want to depict not only a narrative from a person of color, but also a narrative of a queer person of colora perspective almost completely obsolete in the media. In my opinion, this essay doesnt do a great job of answering the actual question; it doesnt provide a good sense of what Portland is like, or how it has shaped me. In retrospect, the coolest part of doing slam poetry was the opportunity to see Portland outside of the upper-middle-class suburban bubble I resided in. Through poetry, I met kids from all over the city. Each one of them had something to say: sometimes devastating, sometimes uplifting, but always astonishing. I wish I had focused more on that. Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation? (200-250 words) I had a lot of trouble with this essay, because I wasnt sure if I could write about a personal family issue. I fretted. Maybe it was oversharing; maybe I should stick with a safe topic, like failing my drivers ed test or not having a prom date. Ultimately, though, I took the risk, and I dont regret it. If youre applying to college this year, my best advice is to be yourself. Its overused, I know, and whether or not any of us even have a self is a discussion for another blog post. But the application process is an opportunity to reflect upon the last several years of your life; dont squander it by writing what you think someone else might want to hear. Also, being genuine seems way less stressful. Good luck! Post Tagged # ¯\_(?)_/ ¯
Friday, May 22, 2020
Comparison of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Austen’s...
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Austen’s Pride and prejudice are two completely different texts as one dialogue to represent feelings of love, whereas the other novel which uses description of the characters feelings to portray strong love. Shakespeare’s wrote the famous love story in English literature in the 17th century whereas Austen lived in the 19th century which I believe contributes to their views on love and the time they lived in affects their characters and techniques of writing. Romeo and Juliet explore love and tragedy when the two protagonists fall in love except they come from families which have extreme dispute and hatred between each other. However they are so much in love they go against and disregard their family’s rivalry and marry despite the fact that the story ends in catastrophe as their love is so strong that are prepared to die for each other and so they do. Whilst in pride and prejudice we explore two protagonists Elizabeth Bennet who is seen as an intelligent young women with a lively wit which enables her to pervade her class and spiteful society she lives ain on the other hand we have a wealthy, proud gentlemen who earns  £10,000 a year so they have different status society however they come to realise their similarities in their characteristics and overcome the social barriers which consequences to them falling in love and marrying. Shakespeare starts of by introducing the ideas of strong love from the phrase ‘Star crossed lovers`Show MoreRelatedRomeo and Juliet Compared to Pride and Prejudice Essay2051 Words  | 9 PagesAlthough Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ are two completely different texts, as one is a play- only able to use dialogue to portray feelings of love-and the other is a novel- where descriptions of characters moods and feelings can be used- they both demonstrate a variety of techniques to portray strong feelings of love. Right from the beginning Shakespeare introduces the ideas of strong love using a prologue-this prologue is a sonnet in iambic pentameter. From
Friday, May 8, 2020
Slavery 1680-1860 - 1039 Words
The execrable path to freedom It was simply a low wage job, cleaning, cooking and beckoning to there owners needs. They owned there own property where there families live and attended the local churches every Sunday. With time they had freedom, agreements to be released from indentured servants and free with rights. Indentured servants were quite scarce and expensive and the issue of equal rights presented a major challenge to developing slave states like Virginia. Indentured servants slowly became life long servants, having no chance of release at a certain age. By 1660, laws were being enacted that defined the regulated slave relations. By 1680, slaves were chattel, nothing but property sold as commodities and traded. With slavery came†¦show more content†¦Vermont and Pennsylvania both abolished slavery and in 1808 slaves’ importation was outlawed. In response to the anti slavery movements the panic of 1819 occurred, being the first depression. Slavery was in a major decline and there was commod ity inflation. In 1823, US circuit courts declared removal of inhuman treatment of slaves. In 1826, kidnapping is a felony which effectively nullified fugitive slaves act, stopping all ability for slave owners to gain more slaves in the states, and importation of slaves was already outlawed. This hurt the slave trade significantly and put the colonies into the panic of 1837. There was a downturn in the economy, cotton prices fell, inflated food prices and high unemployment all due to the downfall and outlawing of slavery. 1840, An African American by the name of Charles Remond, refused to beat seated at world anti slavery convention because the women were segregated in the gallery, showing the first sign of women’s rights. From 1660 to 1865 a slave trade was established in the colonies creating a free and productive source of labor. Legal rights and freedom were stripped from African Americans, Native Americans, Poor whites and women. The slave trade most definitely built the first colonies of America and established an economy and a means of trade. The colonies were one hundred percent dependent on the production of the slaveShow MoreRelatedEssay on Importance of Slavery to the Southern Way of Life1465 Words  | 6 PagesImportance of Slavery to the Southern Way of Life America almost from the beginning was heavily dependent on forced labour. In 1619, John Rolfe in Virgina reported about the last day of August came in a butch man-of-war that sold us 20 negers. This is the first record of Africans settling in America. The Southern colonies were more dependent on labour then the North, as the climate in the South was ideal for plantation agricultural. In the 17th century the basisRead MoreThe Early Anti-Slavery Movement1027 Words  | 5 Pagesproducts. Then sailors will go back to England and start the same cycle again. Therefore, in the 1860s The Anti-Slavery Movement begins in America by providing a clear history of slavery. Certainly, slavery advocated racism against African American in North America. Since the 1619 salves arrived in the Chesapeake and dark-skinned people were considered of lower status by Europeans. However, until the 1680s few African slaves were left in the American colonies, and they were not treated harshly. DuringRead MoreEssay on The History of Slavery570 Words  | 3 PagesSlavery has a lot of effects on African Americans today. History of slavery is marked for civil rights. Indeed, slavery began with civilization. With farming’s development, war could be taken as slavery. Slavery that lives in Western go back 10,000 years to Mesopotamia. Today, most of them move to Iraq, where a male slave had to focus on cultivation. Female slaves were as sexual services for white people also their masters at that time, having freedom only when their masters died. In SouthRead MoreThe War Of The Civil War777 Words  | 4 PagesThe widespread violence that turned into the Civil War began with the election of 1860. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860 without a single vote from the states below the Ohio River. South Carolina was the first state to respond to Lincoln’s election. On December 20, 1680, South Carolina seceded from the Union. South Carolina was the first of the â€Å"Original Seven†who seceded from the Union, including Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. This became known as â€Å"secessionRead MoreSlavery in American Society: Impact and Evolution Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery in American Society: Impact and evolution Slavery in American Society The controversies surrounding slavery have been established in many societies worldwide for centuries. In past generations, although slavery did exists and was tolerated, it was certainly very questionable,†ethicallyâ€Å". Today, the morality of such an act would not only be unimaginable, but would also be morally wrong. As things change over the course of history we seek to not only explain why things happen, butRead MoreThe War Over Sectional Conflicts2166 Words  | 9 PagesBy the year 1860, the bloodshed that would develop into the Civil War had become inevitable. After being delayed through compromise multiple times, the election of Lincoln as the 16th president proved to be the final straw in the war over sectional conflicts. Since the invention of the cotton gin in the late 18th century by Eli Whitney, The North and South began courses with two opposite trajectories, both economically and socially. Countless events from 1800 to 1860 drove the regions further apart Read MoreFinal Paper1636 Words  | 7 Pageseconomy. There were many factors and purchases that happened throughout that aided in the upbringing of the American economy we know today. We know some events of American history, for example, the finding of Native Americans already on America, slavery throughout history, wars, and inventions were all factors of shaping the economy for us. Before there was such a thing as the â€Å"New World,†there were millions of people living in America. The indigenous people of America had been there for thousandsRead MoreEssay Race and Political Power in the Pre-Civil War Period1936 Words  | 8 Pagesspectacle of interracial servant solidarity by slowly eliminating white servitude and expanding the then new institution of black chattel slavery. By doing this he could guarantee a permanent labor force and win the support of his constituents. Because of efforts like that of Governor Berkley, Virginia had become the primary site for the development of black slavery in the Americas. By the 1650s some of the indentured servants had earned their freedom. Because replacements, whether black or white, wereRead MoreColonial Wars And The American Economy During The Civil War Essay1991 Words  | 8 Pageshave seen an Overseer beat a Servant with a cane about the head till the blood has followed, for a fault that is not worth the speaking of.... In 1680 the cost of indentured servants rose sharply by 60 percent as supply of labour decreased as conditions in the English labour market began to improve , co-insiding with an African slave trough of 1680’s the majority of the Southern colonies labour force slowly transformed from white indentured servants to black African slaves . The transformationRead MoreThe Life of the Catholic Church in the US1736 Words  | 7 PagesPeriod between 1565-1783. The life of the Catholic Church in US. Began with the Spanish conquerors, who founded the parish of St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. In 1598 the Spanish Franciscans they were evangelizing the peoples of New Mexico, but in 1680 the Hopi Indians rose up in arms, killed the priests, and prevented the restoration of the missions. Other missionaries who have come from Mexico christianized Arizona in the XVII century and Texas and California in the eighteenth century. Two
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Custom as a Source of Law Free Essays
string(70) " custom should be followed by all concerned without the use of force\." Abstract The following article tries to establish the fact that the Customs are the most important source of law. It defines customs and gives information about its types and what are the requisite of a valid custom, how are they recognized and why are they recognized? In ancient days the customary laws were the only laws as they were practiced by the people. With the passage of time and modernization of society the customary laws are seen as orthodox laws and are fast receding to the statutory laws, but still the laws that are passed by the parliament has its root in the customary laws |Page Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. We will write a custom essay sample on Custom as a Source of Law or any similar topic only for you Order Now com/abstract=1958646 Custom occupies an important role in regulation of human conduct in almost all the societies. In fact it is one of the oldest sources of law making, though only a few people are likely to concur with the classical Greek poet Pindar’s maxim, â€Å"Custom is the king of all†. A custom may be defined as a continuing course of conduct which by the acquiescence of express approval of the community observing it, has come to be regarded as fixing the norm of conduct for members of society 1. At its inception the English common law derived all its rules from a single source. Sir Carleten Kemp Allen notes 2 ‘ Blackstones â€Å" general customs†and â€Å"customs of the realm†are those fundamental principles in legal relationship which for the most part are not to be found in any express formulation, but are assumed to be inherent in our social arrangements. These are, in short, the common law itself ’. Salmond is of the opinion that custom embodies those principles which are acknowledged and approved, not by the power of the state but by the public opinion of the society at large. Thus he states ‘custom is the embodiment of those principles which have commanded themselves to the national conscience as principles of â€Å"justice†and â€Å"public utility’ 3. Jhon Austin was of the view that no folkway regardless of the fact how respected it is or how much is it followed can influence the law. He was of the view that only those conventions and folkways recognized by the sovereign through some judicial act or legislative disposition might be certified as a customary source of law. Kinds of Custom: 1. Conventional custom It is an established practice whose authority is conditional based on its acceptance and incorporation between the parties bound by it. When two parties enter into a contract generally all the terms of the contract are not set expressly and a large part of it is implied. The intention of the parties entering into an agreement can be gathered by the customary law prevalent at that time The convention custom has three stages of development. In the first stage it should have attained the status of usage. In the second stage it gets recognition through some judicial decision, and presumes the form of a precedent. After this it is finally accepted as a statutory law. 1 Dias Hughes: Jurisprudence,(1957) p. 34 2 Allen C. K. : Law in the making 3 Fitzgerald P. J. : Salmond on jurisprudence 2|Page Electronic copy available at: http://ssrn. com/abstract=1958646 The first section of the Indian contract act, 1872 recognizes the customs that are prevalent in the trade Legal Custom These are those which are operative per se as binding rules of law independent of any agreement between the parties. These, are of two types: 3 †¢ Local Custom Halsbury’s defined local custom as â€Å" a particular rule that has existed actually or presumptively from time immemorial and has obtained the force of law in a particular locality although contrary to or not consistent with the common law of the realm. †4 So it can be said that a local custom prevails in a small locality. Bigamy in India is allowed in some tribal parts on account of the local custom prevalent at those places. †¢ General Custom A general custom prevails throughout the country and is the main source of the common law of the country. The custom of prohibiting the remarriage of widow in most of the communities of India, before its abolition was a general custom in the country. A general custom is prevalent is usually practiced by all the people living in the country, and is practiced throughout the land. There were many customs but it is not necessary that all are the customs are accepted. For the customs to be accepted as a valid customs it should have some requisite characteristics: 1. Reasonableness A custom must be reasonable. It must be understood that the authority of any custom is never absolute, but it is authoritative provided it confers to the norms of justice and public utility. A custom shall not be valid if it is repugnant to right and reason and is like to do more mischief than good if enforced. The true rule seems to be not that a custom to be admitted if reasonable but that it will be admitted unless it is unreasonable. The custom of recognizing the channel of the river or the stream as the boundary between two villages irrespective of the change in the path cannot be said as unreasonable and hence it was held as a valid custom 5. Halsbury: Laws of England, Vol. X. p. 2 5 Ram Dhan Lal v. Radhey Shyam, 1951 SCR 370 3|Page 2. Consistency A custom to be valid must be in conformity with statutory law. In other words it must not be against any act of Parliament. A custom should necessarily yield where it is against any law, but in many cases there can be some exception to the law or some modificatio ns can be made to it due to any custom. 3. Compulsory observance A custom to be legally recognized as a valid custom must be observed as a right. It means the custom should be followed by all concerned without the use of force. You read "Custom as a Source of Law" in category "Essay examples" It must be regarded not only an optional rule but as an obligatory rule or binding rule of conduct. If a custom is left to the choice of the individuals, then it is not a costmary law. If the observance of a custom is suspended for certain time than it is assumed that the custom was never in existence 6. 4. Continuity and immemorial Antiquity A custom to be valid should have been in existence from time immemorial. To quote Blackstone â€Å"A custom in order to be legal and binding, must have been used so long that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, if anyone can show the beginning of it, it is no good custom†7 English law has made an arbitrary limit to the legal memory. It has been fixed as 1189 A. D. – the year of accession of King Richard 1 to the throne which means, if any custom has its roots back to 1189 AD or backwards would be regarded as a valid custom. This time limit was applied in the case of Simpsons v. Wells 8. However in India the limit of 1189 A. D. is not valid 9. In India no definite year has been laid down to determine the antiquity of a custom. It need not to be beyond human memory 10. 5. Certainty Not only a custom should be practiced from time immemorial but, it should also be observed continuously and uninterruptedly with certainty. A custom cannot said to be valid from time immemorial unless its certainty and continuity is proved beyond doubt. Theories regarding transformation of custom into law Customary law has not only been established by legislatures or professionally trained judges, but it has come into existence because of popular acceptance and practice. There are two popular theories in this regard (1) Historical theory and, (2) Analytical theory 6. Hamperton v. Hono, (1876) 24 WR 603 7. Blackstone: Commentaries, p. 76 8. (1872) 7 QB 214 9. Gokul Chandra v. Praveen Kumari, AIR 1952 SC 926 10. Mst. Subbhani v. Nawab, ILR 1947 PC 21 4|Page 1. Historical Theory The main components of the historical theory school, namely, Savigny, Blackstone and Henry Maine have suggested that law has its existence because of the common consciousness of the people and the customary observance is not the cause of law but the evidence of its existence. Savigny observed, ‘customary laws completely modify or repeal a statute; it may create a new law and substitute it for statutory rule which it has abolished’. Maine regarded custom as ‘formal source of law’. James Carter also supports historical view and is of the opinion that ‘What has governed the conduct of men from the beginning of time will continue to govern to the end of time. Human nature is not likely to undergo radical change and law will forever continue to be custom’11. Criticism Dr. Allen points out that all the customs cannot be contributed to the common consciousness of the people. For instance, a ruling class quite often imposes custom on the governed. It does so for its own interests rather than the interest of the people. The customs in India such as untouchability cannot be contributed to any kind of common consciousness. Therefore any custom cannot be a source of law it should not be again public sentiments. 2. Analytical Theory The main supporter of analytical theory is John Austin who regarded custom as a historical material source. He points out that custom derives its binding force not from its own nature but by state legislation. It means custom becomes a law when it is adopted by an act of parliament or its validity has been established by any judicial decision. He further states that custom only has persuasive value. Customary practices have to be recognized by court before it can become law. Being of persuasive nature it is recognized as historical material source of law. Austin thus concludes that â€Å"Customary law is nothing but judicial law founded upon anterior system. 2†Criticism Dr. Allen has criticized Austinian theory of customary law and pointed out that the fallacy of the Austinian doctrine is in supporting that custom is not law until it has been so pronounced by a court. He observed that the truth is exactly the reverse of it. According to him, ‘custom is firstly and essentially a law. Custom is enforced by courts because it is already a law, it does not become a law only on enf orcement of court. 13’ 11 Carter James: Law, its Origin, Growth Function, p. 20 12 Austin: Province of Jurisprudence, (1945) p. 165 13 Allen C. K. : Law in the making, pp 84 5|Page CONCLUSION Of all the various sources of law The Customary Laws are definitely the most significant source of law. In the ancient days in the absence of any legislative laws the customary laws were only the prevalent law. These are very important as these are already followed by the people and it is the very reason why many of the customary laws are even recognized today. These customary laws had the approval of the public opinion. There is no doubt that with the development of the judicial process and with the modernization of the society, the importance of custom is receding. When states came into existence they immediately gave recognition to the customs prevailing at that time and thus they were recognized as valid laws. But with time customary laws have receded to the statutory laws. The laws relating to sale of goods, inheritance of property, succession, property, contract, sale of goods etc. have all evolved from the customary laws. The codified Hindu laws are nothing but the codification of the prevalent customary laws with some exceptions. It would be wrong on the part of any one to say that the customary laws need recognition from the court. The customary laws are always recognized since they are always in practice. Most of the customary laws that were just in nature and were good for the society have been recognized by the parliament or the court. These laws can be sometimes invalidated if it appears that these are against the public policy and justice. One of the most important reasons why the customs are important source of law is that it that it is highly practiced in the society. So, if any new law is made that is contrary to the practiced customs and traditions, will not be accepted by the society. This may lead to chaos and anarchy in the society. So any law that is passed takes into consideration the customs and traditions prevalent in the society at that time. The state by its legislation only validates the existing customs. It may in some exceptional cases also modify or nullify some of the customs if it is for the welfare of most of the people of the society. So in this way the state makes laws mainly based on the customs that are good for the society 6|Page How to cite Custom as a Source of Law, Essay examples
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Hamilton Health Inc Marketing Research
Table of Contents Introduction Why hire Marketing Research Suppliers Choosing a partner Expectations from the Supplier Do – It – Yourself? Conclusion Reference List Introduction Marketing research is a strategy that businesses use to amass information regarding their operations from production to supply. In order to do this, the marketing research uses a systematic process of collecting, recording and assessing information dealing with marketing of the companies productions. The objective of the process is to identify and analyze how variation of the factors of marketing mix can influence the behavior of customers.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Hamilton Health Inc Marketing Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Why hire Marketing Research Suppliers The Hamilton Health, Inc – HHI needs to find out its actual market size so that to determine its potential of growth. This will entail determining the buying behavior of its clients, its distribution channels and the type of competition that the organization is facing. This is necessary in order for it to get professional advice of what the results of this would translate to when marketing the personal treadmills that are used for managing health and exercises. Since the founder of the business, Eric Hamilton is devoted to see that the business expands; he needs to get professional understanding of how that growth will be achieved. This is what will form the basis for a strategic plan that the firm will adapt for its expansion which will be based on accurate information, reasoned and timely decisions. HHI can make use of the marketing research suppliers to grab the competitors’ market share and also be enlightened on how to improve its products. Choosing a partner There are several companies that offer marketing research services to companies. However, for Eric’s HHI, the best company for partnering with is the one that will position it better to compete well with its competitors (Wiid Diggines, 2010, p. 134). The criteria of selecting such a partner will include choosing a company that has specialized in doing targeted market research for medical and sports equipment. Such a company will be very considering that the owner may know very little in terms of marketing. This will also give HHI an upper edge over its competitors. This is because the trained consultants are informed of the buying trends, marketing dynamics, ebbs and flows of customers among other facts (Wiid Diggines, 2010, p. 137). This type of knowledge is worth spending on especially when there is observable difference in the performance of the business. It’s important also to understand that the marketing research suppliers will not have all the answers to the company’s position at the moment. To begin with, there are several types of supplies.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The limited-service suppliers are those firms that focus their services provision of one aspect of marketing research of few stages of the entire research process (Burns Ronald 2010, p. 178). These services are in most cases referred to as field services and may include data analyses, branding strategies and interviewing and coding of information among others. Full marketing research suppliers on the other hand are those businesses that will offer a full range of services that deal with the process of marketing. This means that they are able to collect information by developing research questions, conduct the research, analyze the data and come up with finding which they can use to draw conclusions and make recommendations (Burns Ronald 2010, p. 178). They utilize both the qualitative and quantitative methods of research and assessments of data. Expectations from the Suppli er HHI should expect that the marketing research suppliers will free the company from the hustle of seeking customers and collecting information for analysis and so on. Therefore Eric Hamilton will have ample time to focus on other issues of the company which include marketing, selling and studying the business trend. This means that other business aspects that would have gone unattended will be dealt with by the owner during this time (Crouch Housden, 2003, p. 145). By hiring the marketing research supplier, HHI anticipates that it will be eventually a worthy investment. Basically, Eric will be at peace knowing that the investment has a good success track record and therefore expect better and reliable results. The suppliers can always send reports on weekly, monthly or quarterly basis so that HHI can begin making strategies to move forward as the marketing research continues. The reports are likely to be more detailed than those that could have been generated by HHI. Do – It – Yourself? In reality, the cost of company doing a research on its own is not just about the huge money that will be spent on the project, but it’s a matter of time that will be invested and the quality of work done that will be realized. There are many instances where various firms opt to carry their research on their own, but later realize that they did not have adequate skill or time for the job. Many day pass-by, they turn into months and then years of a failed project because the owner may not find sufficient time for the job (Malhotra Birks, 2007, p. 256). Doing it by yourself can be cheap in terms of money, but costly in terms of failed project or lack of results. Therefore it is not advisable for anyone to pursue such a project without hiring assistance from professionals (Malhotra Birks, 2007, p. 256). This can only occur only; When one can realistically find time for the project in his own company When one has the skills and tool to analyze the data an d draw conclusions When one has skill for making a report that will be credible to other users When one can be able to sustain an blind research or be able to find a sample qualified enough to take part in the study Conclusion Marketing research will play a critical role in the growth of HHI as it fights to establish a strong market share. The information from the marketing research will enable the company develop strategies that will help it boost its operations and market share, hence making it to grow and expand steadily.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Hamilton Health Inc Marketing Research specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Burns, A.C. Ronald F.B. (2010) â€Å"Marketing Research,†6th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall. Crouch, S. Housden, M. (2003) â€Å"Marketing Research for Managers,†3rd Ed, Oxford, Butterworth–Heinemann Malhotra, N. Birks, D. (2007) â€Å"Marketing Research: An Applied Approach: 3rd European Ed,†Harlow, UK, Pearson Education Wiid, J Diggines, C. (2010). â€Å"Marketing Research,†3rd Ed. New York, John Wiley Sons This research paper on The Hamilton Health Inc Marketing Research was written and submitted by user Gerardo Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Billy Holiday essays
Billy Holiday essays In the early twentieth century, even though slavery had been abolished years before, racism was rampant in America. There were few brave enough to speak out about what was happening. Black artists could perform in clubs, but were not able to patron those same establishments because they were designated white only. One of those black artists decided to take a stand. Billie Holiday, known as Lady Day, recorded Strange Fruit on April 20, 1939 at Brunswicks World Broadcasting Studios with Frankie Newtons Caf Society Band. Much later, in 1995, Cassandra Wilson recorded a cover of this harrowing song. Billie Holidays ability to propel a listener into a time and place overshadows Cassandra Wilsons weaker version of Strange Fruit. Billie Holiday, upon being approached with Strange Fruit, at first was uneasy about the song. The message was so controversial it could have easily ruined her career. Inspite of the risk Billie performed it anyway. The message was too important. To reinforce the inherent drama of the song the waiters, immediately before her performing, would instruct the patrons to remain absolutely silent during the performance. The house lights were turned down with only a pin-spot lighting her face. When she finished, all the lights were turned out. When the house lights came back up Billie was gone. There were no encores so the stark imagery would be seared into the white audiences mind. Billie Holidays version opens with a very solemn melody from the trumpet, followed by a somber piano solo setting the mood of the piece. She ignores the melody outlined by the introduction. She knows the impact comes from the words rather than any specific feature of the songs melodic or harmonic construction (Nicholson113). She also uses the grit in her voice and fluctuating tones to portray the message of the piece. ` Cassandra Wilsons version lacks the power of...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Disruptive and Disruptor
Disruptive and Disruptor Disruptive and Disruptor Disruptive and Disruptor By Maeve Maddox Until recently, the words disrupt, disruptive, disruption, and disruptor were negative words used to describe actions detrimental to perceived social order. For example: Man in Elbow Room Disruption Fights Police, Damages Cruiser Twelve protesters disrupted a speech by Condoleeza Rice at Norwich University in Vermont. Iranian Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi has announced the arrest of several â€Å"election disruptors†in Tehran. Ideally, chronically disruptive students should be placed in high-quality alternative education settings where they can receive long-term, intensive interventions In the realm of science fiction, a disruptor is a weapon that can destroy a human being in a very unpleasant manner by disrupting cellular structure. Now, however, thanks to Clayton Christensen, a consultant and an entrepreneur whose 1992 Harvard DBA dissertation describes an academic theory of â€Å"disruptive innovation,†the nouns disruption and disruptor have taken on a positive connotation, at least for some denizens of Silicon Valley: Nowadays every corporate executive wants to disrupt; the word has become a mark of forward-thinking decisiveness- though it is sometimes attached to strategies that are more about cost-cutting than game-changing. And in Silicon Valley, belief in disruption has taken on a near religious tinge. All that disrupts is good; all that stands in disruption’s way (such as, say, San Francisco taxi companies or metropolitan daily newspapers) deserves to perish. –Justin Fox, â€Å"The Disruption Myth,†The Atlantic, October 2014. In this context, disruption refers to the phenomenon of old technology being upstaged by newer technology. This new disruption names a situation in which a company that was the leader in a certain field finds itself losing money because another company, with newer technology, takes the lead away from them. An example given in the Atlantic article is what happened â€Å"when electronic cash registers went from 10 percent of the market in 1972 to 90 percent just four years later,†causing the National Cash Register Company to experience big losses. Six years before Christensen’s dissertation, Dick Foster described the same phenomenon in conventional language in a book called Innovation: The Attacker’s Advantage. In Business-speak, disruption is a new word for innovation. Innovators have become disruptors. Spelling note: Both OED and M-W show the spelling disruptor as â€Å"an alternative spelling†of disrupter, but the -or ending seems to be more common. A Google search of â€Å"disrupter†returns about 429,000 hits to 1,020,000 for â€Å"disruptor.†The Ngram Viewer shows disrupter ahead until 1995, when disruptor pulls ahead. For those readers looking for a synonym for innovation that doesn’t convey the negativity of disruption, here are some possibilities: change alteration revolution upheaval transformation metamorphosis breakthrough new measures new methods modernization novelty creativity ingenuity innovation inventiveness Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to Know8 Types of Parenthetical PhrasesComma After Introductory Phrases
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Comprehensive Designer Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Comprehensive Designer - Article Example A comprehensive designer, according to my belief has to be a designer by profession. This is necessary since involvement in various designing tasks needs to be principally based on the fundamentals of the profession such as stability and safety. In addition to having the credentials in the designing field, they should be able to handle or propose solutions to any design problem. In addition to solving the problem via scientific means, the proposed solutions should be economically viable, which means that solutions should be arrived at with regard to the available skill, material, space and durability. Although the designer may not be specialized to a given field, he or she should have some knowledge that can be passed to the nonprofessionals or students of the career. The comprehensive designer should thus be capable of applying scientific, mathematical, physical, economic, social and practical experience towards solving a problem in the discipline, regardless of the time span the solution is expected to serve (Faste, 2001). It is the designer’s responsibility to link the conceptual and physical worlds, and comprehensiveness is brought about by ensuring the resultant idea is wholesome and in accord with the criterion
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Western history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Western history - Essay Example Around the start of the 16th century, the weakening of the Church was in conjunction with the strengthening force of socio-economic, philosophical and scientific liberation. The period witnessed important religious, political, social, and philosophical changes in Europe. The medieval age was characterized by the strong power of the Catholic Church that was more often greater than that of the ruling king. Thus, even the political and social aspects of the medieval life were dependent on the Church. However, the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century which was initiated by the arguments of Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism, weakened the Church. Kings and Princes worked together to challenge the power of the Church leaders, primarily the Pope. The cultural consensus of Europe based on universal participation in the Body of Christ was broken. Along with the Reformation came challenges to secular society. The nature and organization of power and government came under reevaluation as well. The huge impact of the Church in the medieval times2 caused the religious change to go hand-in-hand with changes in politics and society. Along with the decentralization of power from the Church and its supported rulers (kings and queens) came the rise of an expanding social class. The middle class, also known as the class of the bourgeosie, was growing and generally becoming more powerful. Merchants and learned artisans characterized this class, as opposed to the royal bloods and Church appointees who dominated the medieval age. The period was also home to the Commercial Revolution which was a time of European economic expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism which lasted from approximately 1520 until 1650. Voyages of discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries allowed European powers to build vast networks of international trade. This then resulted to the generation of a great deal of wealth for them. This growing global economy was based on silver, which allowed an easier
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Business Essays Heineken Beer Market
Business Essays Heineken Beer Market Heineken Beer Market Executive Summary Chapter 1 analyze threats Heineken is facing and opportunities the company can get from the beer market by using two model PESTLE and Porter Five Forces. PESTLE describe what difficulties come from external environmental factors that the company is facing and Porter five force analyze the threats as well as opportunities of Heineken in suppliers, buyers, competitors, substitutes and new entrant. OT factors in SWOT analysis also use to define in chapter 1 for threats and opportunities of the company. Chapter 2 describes strengths and weaknesses in the company operation through the analysis of internal environment such as company resources, organizational structure and culture. The resources with include tangible, intangible, management capability and marketing which used to identify what the advantages Heineken are managing for the performance of their operation. SW in SWOT also use at the same time to analyze strongly what strengths and weaknesses Heineken is taking. Chapter 3 assesses how Heineken perform in term of effectiveness, efficiency and return to shareholders based on efficiency ratios and performance investment ratios. This assessment identifies the market share and market growth of company in the market. Chapter 4 finding the options those are available to the company and recommendation of the most appropriate ones for future strategic direction. Chapter 5 finding recommendations for structures, systems and policies which use to implement these strategies successfully. Chapter 6 the outline of my assessment of the usefulness of strategic management models for Heineken analysis. How PEST, Porter Five Force, SWOT, resource-based and financial analysis use to be described for my analysis successfully. Introduction Today beer is widely available and enjoyed in most countries and cultures around the world. Heineken is one of the largest companies in a global network of distributors and breweries. In addition, Heineken owns and manages one of the worlds leading portfolios of beer brands in terms of sales volume and profitability. Moreover, the company has been able to remain one of the worlds leading consumer and corporate brands for more than 130 years. It became Europes favorite beer brand successfully exported to every corner of the world. Chapter 1 Analysis of the external general PESTLE model Political Beer is a kind of drink that the government excises significantly because it contains alcohol which is addicted people. Therefore, this will affect Heineken Company in sale volume in the market. With internationalisation and globalisation, more and more brewers are hunting for new markets, governments on the other hand with and intention to gain maximum profit as well as get empathy on ethical grounds are imposing heavy taxes on liquor and beer imports. As a result, this fact will bring threat for Heineken. For example, recently drinking alcohol is prohibited on public transport in London. This hence will impact on the beer market because people want to enjoy their beer not only at home but also at public where they can have fun time with their friends. Economic Heineken has many operations in mature – mainly Western European and it is reported in Euros. Therefore, the currency fluctuations could create threat to the overall company results, especially relating to the US dollar. However, Heineken has a clear policy on hedging transactional exchange risks; this would postpone the impact on financial results. Nowadays, unemployment has risen due to recession in the market and this will result in more people will choose some cheaper alternative. As a result, Heineken with premium price will be impacted for that. This also brings threats for company in distribution aspect. Social culture Nowadays, beer is not only for men enjoy it but women also drink beer to enjoy its taste. Furthermore, life style of the new generation has become very fast and different, which result in lack of time in today life. Thus the consumption at bars is declining. This means that the beer market will be affected by this as well as Heineken Company, this will lead to go down in sale volume. Furthermore, demographic changes would influence the company a lot. For examples, in China where the population is going up rapidly and this combined with consumer having increasing amounts of leisure time. Therefore, these would lead to consumption of beer in China grew by 33.56% between 2000 and 2006. China now has overtaken the United State to become the largest national beer market in the world. As a result Heineken Company will have significant sale volume in this market. Technology Now it is hard to find a part of the company’s business that doesn’t use technology. Therefore, technology is developed will impact the company as well as beer industry. Information technology security upgraded has created opportunities for Heineken’s worldwide business operations, and connectivity in the company and with outside partners is increasing. For example, the recent advancement in the technology has opened huge markets for organizations to access world population without any barriers. This can be taken as a chance to reach out to almost every location on the globe. Hence Heineken will open their market in many locations in the world. Porter’s five forces model The bargaining power of suppliers The suppliers of raw materials to Heineken Company are mainly farmers. Therefore, the threat for power of supplier is high. The bottle supplier for Heineken is provided by Heye Glas Nederland which is fully supplied the green bottle for the worldwide distribution of Heineken beer. In the past, Heineken kept only 33% its stake in Heye Glas in order to secure the supply of high quality export bottles at a lower cost to meet the needs for demand but now Heineken has kept 100% stake in 2002. Beer is produced by water, barley, hops and yeast. These ingredients are supplied by farmers. Heineken also mentioned that competition for agricultural products from the biofuels industry that is affecting their costs. The bargaining power of buyers The buyers in this industry have many choices as there are many companies serving beer. This will increase the choice of the customer and hence the threat for power of buyers is high. For example, for serving customer at the pub, there are a lot of beer brands for them to fit their taste such as Guiness, Carlsberg, Tiger. Therefore, buyers now have a choice to choose the one they like. As a result, choosing of customer for what kind beer they want to drink will bring threats for Heineken. The threat of potential new entrants Nowadays, an explosion of smaller brewers has entered the market during the past decade that making the industry much more competitive. Heineken is one of the largest brewers in the world and they have to share market with other brewer. The barrier in the beer market is low. Therefore, the threat of potential new entrants for Heineken is high. This will make Heineken considering to create innovation or uniqueness into their product that can sustain competitive advantages in the beer market. The threat of substitutes Beer is a kind of beverage which contains alcohol. However, people can switch to drink wine which also is alcohol drink. Customer’s taste is not similar so that they have right to choose what they want to enjoy, so this will affect the beer market as well as Heineken Company. As a result, the threat of substitute for beer market is high. The extent of competitive rivalry Heineken has achieved the economy of scale in the market especially in Europe. It holds about 30% of market share in European beer market. Since the beer market is growing, so the competitors will try to attain their growth targets. The large brewer like Heineken tends to enforce their own strategies to the beer industry and due the economies of scale they will produce higher quality and unique products which can make their own place in the market, hence keep themselves growing to achieve their target. Chapter 2 Internal analysis of the company Analysis the resources Tangible: Since Heineken know that their plant and equipment is a key for company production, they invest so much in the infrastructure to make sure that their operation is working efficiently. For example, Heineken have four breweries in Russia, all those use KHS Till plant technology. This equipment at Heineken’s packaging can processes 50 liter kegs in addition to 30 liter at an output of up to 140 kegs an hour. As a result, the two-lane machine can operate with one racking, six washing and sterilizing stations. Intangible: brand name is most valuable asset of the Heineken Company, they has built this name Heineken with premium brand. The company recognizes that brand is very important key for them to develop a strong presence globally in the beer market so that Heineken have a lot of marketing activities for its brand name. Furthermore, branding is also a highly defensible competitive advantage for Heineken; this would bring strength to company expansion. Hence Heineken Company can stretch their production internationally and add more money for company. Management capability: Heineken implemented a number of new initiatives in the area of leadership development in 2004. One is a new leadership competency model that defines behavior expectations from all senior managers at Heineken. The model takes Heineken company ambitions and values as a starting point and translates these into the leadership behavior required from senior managers. With marketing differentiation using different message within normal media advertising can also have differentiating effect. This differentiation will bring strengths for Heineken. When most advertisers are pursuing essentially the beer market with the same message like showing gregarious groups of males in public houses having an enjoyable night out. In the other hand, Heineken managed to differentiate its beer by using a series of advertisements employing humour and the caption Heineken refreshed the parts other beers can not reach. Organizational structure In 2005 Heineken announced that it was created a new top management structure, this would drive and support growth as a global organization. In order to connect functions, operation and finance in a more effective way, the company create a new more streamlines Executive Board. Hence change would lead to create strengths for operating regions and global functions. Furthermore, Heineken has grown substantially over the past four years. The new structure is better suited to the present organization and ensures faster decision-making. In the beer market where the consolidation process is accelerating and rapid introduction of innovations is essential, this is crucial to the achievement of Heineken’s long term ambitions. Culture Heineken is proud of they are one of the world’s great beer companies. Hence their culture will reflect the company view and values. These values create so many strengths for company to develop their environment within the company. Heineken based on the value that they respect their employees, business partners, customers, shareholders and all others who are connected to the company. Furthermore, Heineken make life more enjoyable by bring enjoyment to life, they also encourage this core value within the working places and atmosphere within the company. In addition, company has a fundamental belief in the concept and delivery of quality, it is also reflected in their other activities such as their social and employment policies. This will create benefit and value both for Heineken and their reputation. As a result, these values define Heineken corporate culture and working methods which help company to do the business successfully. Chapter 3 Evaluation of the company’s financial performance 2005 2006 2007 Return on investment (ROI) 14% 20% 12% Return on equity (ROE) 21.1% 27.0% 15.5% Net profit margin 7.05% 11.02% 7.72% Dividend payout ratio 25.8% 24.3% 42.5% Earnings per share 1.71 1.90 2.29 Return on investment of Heineken changed from 2005 to 2007. In 2006 return on investment have a significant improvement compared to 2005. The increasing of ROI show the efficiency which Heineken got profit from its technology investment. The reason for increasing ROI is that the company deployed Windows Mobile 5.0 in 2006 and has experienced significant business benefits. Company has improves account development by offering its sales representatives instant access to pricing, promotions, availability and accounts receivable data. Window mobile led to an average sales increase after deployment. The return on equity of Heineken rose 5.9% in 2006 then declined 11.5% in 2007.The reason for going up return on equity is net profit increasing. In 2005 Heineken’s net profit is â‚ ¬761 millions and it was increasing to â‚ ¬1211 millions in 2006.The rising of return on equity shows that the company have used money from shareholders effectively in manufacturing. However, declining return on equity indicated that the Heineken beer was getting more expensive to produce because the prices of raw materials and packaging have raised significantly, transportation, energy and pressure on labor costs were also expected in the beer market. In 2006 net profit margin of Heineken increased so much compared with 2005 and 2007. 11.02 % show that the company got more profit from their sale. In that year, the distribution of Heineken went up with 111.9 hectoliters in consolidated beer volumes. Furthermore, the company achieved the best annual growth rate for Heineken premium brand for many years with growth of 11.8 %. With these reason Heineken achieved their performance effectively. From the table above we can see dividend pay out ratio decrease 1.5% in 2006 and then increase so much 18.2 % in 2007.The reason of increasing is that Heineken has been changing its dividend pay-out policy at the end of 2006. This means that it would up the amount paid to shareholders from 20-25% of net profit before exceptional items and amortization to between 30% and 35%. These proposals support Heinekens intention to preserve its independence, to maintain a healthy financial structure in order to grow the business both organically and through acquisition. Earning per share of Heineken increased from 2005 to 2007. These figures above show the company has maintenance revenue. Distributions of company increase every year so that Heineken could earn from 1 share which investors have invested. Moreover, increasing company market share by earning per share will indicate that the profit getting from every dollar invested can satisfy both Heinekens’ stakeholders and shareholder. Chapter 4 Recommendations on strategic options 4.1. To face with the alcohol pressure in the market, Heineken have the strategy to produce and sell beer in the ways that have a positive impact on society at large. With this strategy, Heineken promotes awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of alcohol, this also encourage informed consumers to be accountable for their own actions. For example, in 2006 the launching of the â€Å"Enjoy Heineken Responsibly†program was finalized. Therefore nowadays company is becoming more and more engaged to promote responsible consumption in partnership with consumers. By using this strategy as purpose the company does not want beer consumers to condone in any way the abuse of alcohol, particularly Heineken Brand. As a result this will lead to the Company get positive aspect for their production in the society. I strongly recommend Heineken should use this strategy. 4.2. For solving the problem with currency risks as the global market is unstable in exchange money, Heineken have a strategy on hedging transactional exchange risks which postpones the impact on company finance result. After deduction of dollar-denominated costs, a net cash inflow in US dollars remains. This cash flow is hedged in advance mostly by means of forward contracts. This reduces the volatility of export results and the â‚ ¬ cash flows due to short-term fluctuations in the value of the US dollar against the Euro. Transactions are entered into with a limited number of counterparties. I don’t recommend that the company use this strategy because the global market is unpredictable. 4.3. To intensify the international marketing Heineken have sponsored for a lot of entertainments activities in the world. This strategy would bring the biggest strengths for Heineken brand name. For example, company is a major sponsor of tennis champion such as Wimbledon, the US Open, Australia Open and the Shanghai Open. Moreover, the music plan adopted also remains a key sponsorship area for Heineken. For example, in Singapore has been successful that it is now used in other markets such as Malaysia and Thailand. Following with these marketing strategies on advertisement, the good thing company would show that Heineken always attend to social activities that mean they are not only bring enjoyable but also bring responsible to people around the world. I recommend Heineken should continue to pursue this strategy. 4.4. For adapting with development of technology, Heineken has a strict information technology (IT) security strategy to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and data. Furthermore, supporting and monitoring activities towards operating IT are being strengthened for the company. Moreover, IT contingency measures with regard to the partly outsourced IT shared service centre. The benefit of this strategy on IT would help Heineken to connect with so many operations around the world. I recommend company use this strategy. 4.5. By using brand strategy Heineken has built a strong portfolio that combines the power of local and international brands. Furthermore, the consistent growth of brand requires solid creative brand management which Heineken coordinate centrally. Company has developed and adopted brand strategy to get strengthening in the market share where there are lots of other brewers there. I recommend Heineken use this strategy. 4.6. To sustain with strong position in the beer market, Heineken have adapted competitive strategy in its management. By offering competitively priced and quality products, Heineken want to give consumers the premium product with reasonable price compare with other brewers. The management of company recognizes that to maintain Heineken’s sales, they need to focus on what consumer needs. In addition to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor in the key business segments, competitive strategy would bring advantages for Heineken to compete with it’s competitor for attracting customers. Chapter 5 Recommendations on the most feasible strategic options 5.1. Responsibility is a heart of alcohol policy. Based on the alcohol policy adopted Heineken want to stress that their operations need to sustain dialogue with government and health organizations. The objectives of policy are to prevent misuse and abuse of alcohol. Furthermore, they want to ensure that responsible consumption of beer is socially acceptable. In addition to help Heineken be a truly sustainable business. With this alcohol policy would implement for succeed of strategy. 5.2. As consumer needs and tastes vary, Heineken must decide how much to adapt marketing strategy to local needs using a variance of standardized marketing mix adapted marketing mix, owing to the strong brand preferences loyalties that exist among the beer drinkers. Also, Heineken need to prioritize between global integration versus national responsiveness evident from decreasing sales in Holland, Rest of Europe, and Africa. Besides that the beer market is also attractive in terms of size and future growth, this approach would help the company differentiate Heineken beer with premium price compared with other beer brewer. 5.3. Data synchronization provider system can manage data behind the firewall while benefiting from one point of access to the Global Data Synchronization Network. This system would help to minimal disruption to Heinekens day-to-day operations. This integration is the first in a series of initiatives that Heineken International has been planning to accelerate its data synchronization activities through one central connection point. As a result, this system would implement highly for technology strategy to the company. 5.4. Using the branding policy the company has built brand recognition for long-term to differentiate the brand Heineken and be sure to add value to the product in order to get the brand loyalty. The brand policy also stresses for maintenance of beer quality or creates benefits for society and culture, and also provides an emotion to its consumers. This policy would add more value for Heineken Company in successful way. 5.5. Heineken has in place a strong competition compliance policy across the entire business and has a comprehensive code of business conduct for all employees. Furthermore, Heineken believes in the principle of fair competition. It will keep in place policies and programmes aimed at giving guidance to employees to ensure that they understand competition laws and act in compliance with them. Chapter 6 The assessment of the usefulness of strategic management models 6.1. To me, I find that the PEST analysis is a useful business measurement tool. It’s looking at external factors to the organization. Following the factors of the analysis, I can see the big picture of Heineken’s environment in which they are operating and the opportunities and threats that lie within it. By analyzing factors of PEST model I can understand the Heineken external environment and how the environment affects business performance of the company. 6.2. For me, I find that The Porter’s five forces tool is a simple but powerful tool for understanding where power lies in a business situation. This model is useful because it helps me understand both the threats of Heineken current competitive position and the strength of a position company are looking to move into. Furthermore, understanding the nature of Heineken competitive environment by using Porter’s five forces model, I can analyze what are crucially important for company to build long-term business strategy and sustain competitive advantages in the market. 6.3. SWOT analysis is a powerful model for me to understand Heineken strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that company face. This model helps me to assess what Heineken can and can not do as well as its potential opportunities and threats. Therefore, I can know what may assist the firm in accomplishing Heineken’s objectives and obstacles. Moreover, the model is also useful in the way that it gives me the overall performance of Heineken. Hence I can analyze where the place the company get their position. 6.4. Resource-based theory is useful to me in the analysis of internal factors of Heineken following these reasons. Firstly, I can find the factors that deliver sustainable competitive for the company like branding. Secondly, the physical resources can give me a look about the efficient operation of Heineken in new technology they adopted. Thirdly, by understanding resource-based I can recognize that the way company has the dominant position in the beer market compare with other breweries. 6.5. Financial analysis method is useful for me to understand the measurement of performance of Heineken. Based on the ratio formula I can see how effectiveness and how the financial risk company was doing. Moreover, looking at the numbers which company has represented on the financial statement, I can know the market share that Heineken has positioned in the market place and the market growth company has developed. As a result of calculating for financial analysis for every year I can find how the company has operated in the effectiveness way. Conclusion I think that with all analysis include external and internal environments, company performance and all the strategy and policies Heineken adopted will help company to step more successful in the future. Although Heineken now have some troubles in production or distributions but the top management are considering creating flexible way to overcome them and then Heineken Company will keep their position is that one of the most largest brewers in the world. Appendix Key financial ratios 2007 IFRS 2006 IFRS 2005 IFRS Net profit margin 7.72% 11.02% 7.05% Operating profit margin 12.0% 15.3% 11.6% EBIT margin 12.2% 15.5% 11.9% EPS 2.29 1.90 1.71 Operating cash flow per share 3.53 3.77 3.82 ROE 15.5% 27.0% 21.1% Equity/ borrowed capital 0.85 0.74 0.62 Interest coverage ratio 22.7 19.7 14.8 Net Debt/ EBITDA 0.8 0.7 1.3 Operating free cash flow/ net debt 0.39 0.59 0.43 Cash conversion rate
Friday, January 17, 2020
Customer Satisfaction on Milk Products Essay
â€Å"Marketing is a total system of business, an ongoing process of: 1. Discovering and translating consumer needs and desires into the products services (planning and producing the planned products). 2. Creating demand for this product and services through promotion and pricing. 3. Serving the consumer demand through planned and physical distribution with the help of marketing channels. 4. Expanding the market even in the place of keen competition. †â€Å"Marketing is the process associated with promotion for sale goods or services. It is considered a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others. It is an integrated process through which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. †The modern marketer is called upon to set the marketing objectives, develop the marketing plan, organize the, marketing function, implement the marketing plan or programme (Marketing mix) and control the marketing programme to ensure the accomplishment of the set marketing objectives. The marketing programme covers producer planning or merchandising, price, promotion and distribution. In short, modern marketing begins with the customer, not with production cost, sales, technological landmarks and it ends with the customer satisfaction and social well-being. Under the market- driven economy buyer or customer is the boss. Marketing has been viewed as an ongoing or dynamic process involving a set of interacting activities dealing with a market offering by producers to consumers on the basis of reliable marketing anticipation. 1. Marketing is a matching process by which a process by which a producer provides a marketing mix that meets consumer demands of a target markets within the limits of society. The process is based on corporate goals and corporate capabilities. Marketing process brings together producers and consumers the two main participants in exchange. Each producer or seller has certain goals and capabilities in making and marketing his products. He uses marketing research as a tool to anticipate market demand. Then he provides a marketing mix in order to capitalize marketing opportunity. An exchange or a transaction takes when market offering is acceptable to the customer who is prepared to give something value I return against the product so bought. Objectives of Marketing: 1. Increase in sales volume 2. Increase in net profit 3. Growth of the enterprise Marketing environment The term marketing environment relates to all of the factors (whether internal, external, direct or indirect) that affects a firm’s marketing decision-making or planning and is subject of the marketing research. A firm’s marketing environment consists of two main areas, which are: a. Macro environment On the macro environment a firm holds only little control. It consists of a variety of external factors that manifest on a large (or macro) scale. These are typically economic, social, political or technological phenomena. A common method of assessing a firm’s macro-environment is via a PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Ecological) analysis. Within a PESTLE analysis, a firm would analyze national political issues, culture and climate, key macroeconomic conditions, health and indicators (such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, etc.), social trends/attitudes, and the nature of technology’s impact on its society and the business processes within the society. b. Micro environment A firm holds a greater amount (though not necessarily total) control of the micro environment. It comprises factors pertinent to the firm itself, or stakeholders closely connected with the firm or company. A firm’s micro environment typically spans: * Customers/consumers * Employees * Suppliers * The Media By contrast to the macro environment, an organization holds a greater degree of control over these factors. Market segmentation Market segmentation pertains to the division of a market of consumers into persons with similar needs and wants. As an example, if using Kellogg’s cereals in this instance, Frosties are marketed to children. Crunchy Nut Cornflakes are marketed to adults. Both goods aforementioned denote two products which are marketed to two distinct groups of persons, both with like needs, traits, and wants. The purpose for market segmentation is conducted for two main issues. First, segmentation allows a better allocation of a firm’s finite resources. A firm only possesses a certain amount of resources. Accordingly, it must make choices (and appreciate the related costs) in servicing specific groups of consumers. Furthermore the diversified tastes of the contemporary Western consumers can be served better. With more diversity in the tastes of modern consumers, firms are taking noting the benefit of servicing a multiplicity of new markets. Market segmentation can be defined in terms of the STP acronym, meaning Segment, Target and Position. Segment. Segmentation involves the initial splitting up of consumers into persons of like needs/wants/tastes. Four commonly used criteria are used for segmentation, which include: * Geographical (e. g. country, region, city, town, etc. ) * Psychographic (i. e. personality traits or character traits which influence consumer behavior) * Demographic (e. g. age, gender, socio-economic class, etc. ) * Behavioral (e. g. brand loyalty, usage rate, etc. ) Target Once a segment has been identified, a firm must ascertain whether the segment is beneficial for them to service. The DAMP acronym, meaning Discernible, Accessible, Measurable and Profitable, are used as criteria to gauge the viability of a target market. DAMP is explained in further detail below: * Discernable – How a segment can be differentiated from other segments. * Accessible – How a segment can be accessed via Marketing Communications produced by a firm. * Measurable – Can the segment be quantified and its size determined? * Profitable – Can a sufficient return on investment be attained from a segment’s servicing? The next step in the targeting process is the level of differentiation involved in a segment serving. Three modes of differentiation exist, which are commonly applied by firms. These are: * Undifferentiated – Where a company produces a like product for all of a market segment. * Differentiated – In which a firm produced slight modifications of a product within a segment. * Niche – In which an organisation forges a product to satisfy a specialised target market. Marketing information system A marketing information system (MKIS) is an information system that is commonly used by marketing management to analyses and view information pertaining to marketing activities. As the label suggests, an MKIS is a computer-based information system therefore used to input, store, process and output marketing information. [12] An MKIS spans four subset components, which are detailed below: 1. Marketing intelligence system This sub-system stores information gathered from a firm’s marketing intelligence activities. Marketing intelligence consists of actions a firm would undertake within its own market or industry, geared towards information existing within its markets. This can be obtained via communication with suppliers, consumers or other bodies within a market. 2. Internal processes system The internal processes system catalogues all internal marketing processes within a firm. 3. Marketing research system This section of the overall system contains data from a firm’s marketing research activities. 4. Analytical system The analytical system is the only sub-system which does not store data or information. Its function is to analyze and process data from the other three systems, into reliable, timely and relevant information for the perusal and use of marketing management. Industry profile: In early 1940’s a farmer in Kaira district, as elsewhere in India, derived his income almost entirely from seasonal crops. The income from milk was paltry and could not be depended upon. The main buyers were milk traders of Polson Ltd. -a privately owned company that enjoyed monopoly for supply of milk from Kaira to the Government Milk Scheme Bombay. The system leads to exploitation of poor and illiterate farmers by the private traders. However, when the exploitation became intolerable, the farmers were frustrated. They collectively appealed to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was a leading activist in the freedom movement. Sardar Patel advised the farmers to sell the milk on their own by establishing a cooperative union, instated of supplying milk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farmer to Shri Morarji Dasai in order to gain his Co-operation and help. Shri Dasai held a meeting at ‘Samrkha’ village near Anand, on January 4, 1946. He advised the farmers to from a society for collection of the milk. These village societies would collect the milk themselves and also decided prices for that which would be profitable for them. The district union was also from to collect the milk from such village cooperative societies and to sell them. It was also resolved that the government should asked to buy milk from the union. However, the government did not seem to help farmer by any means. It gave the negative response by turning down the demand for the milk. To respond to this action of government, farmer of Kaira district went on a milk strike. For 15 days not a single drop of milk was sold to the traders. As a result the Bombay milk scheme was severely affected. The milk commissioner of Bombay then visited Anand to assess the situation. Finely he decided to fulfill the farmers demand. Thus their cooperative unions were forced at village and district level to collect and sell milk on a cooperative basis, without the intervention of government. Mr. Verghese Kurien had main interest in establishing union who was supported by Shri Tribhuvandas Patel who convinced farmers in forming the cooperative unions at the village level. ‘The Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union’ was thus established in Anand and was registered formally under section 10 of Bombay Act VII of 1925 on December 14, 1946. Since then farmers are selling all the milk in Anand through cooperative union. In 1955 it was commonly decided the sell milk under the brand name ‘Amul’ At the initial stage only 250 liters of milk was collected every day. But with the growing awareness of the benefits of the co-operative-ness the collection of milk increased. Today Amul collect 50, 00,000 liters of milk every day. As the milk is perishable commodity it became difficult to preserve milk for a longer period. Besides when the milk was to be collected from the far places there was a fear of spoiling of milk. To overcome this problem the union thought to develop the chilling unit at various junctions, which would collect the milk and could chill so as preserve it a for a longer period. Thus, today Amul has more than 168 chilling centers in various villages. Milk is collected from almost 1097 societies. With the financial help from UNICEF, assistance from the government of NewZealand under the Colombo plan, of Rs. 50 million for factory to manufactory milk powder and butter. Dr. Rajendara Prasad, the president of India laid the foundation on November 50, 1954. Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the prim minister of India declared it open at Amul dairy on November 20, 1955. KARANATAKA MILK FEDERATION Karnataka cooperative milk producers’ federation limited (KMF) is the apex body in Karnataka representing dairy farmers’ co-operatives. It is the second largest dairy co-operative amongst the dairy cooperatives in country. In south india it stands first in terms of procurement as well as sales. One of the core functions of the federation is marketing of milk and milk products. The brand â€Å" nandini†is the household name for pure and fresh milk and milk products. KMF has 13 mil unions throughout the state which procure milk from primary dairy cooperative societies (DCS) and distribute milk to the consumers in various towns/cities/rural markets in Karnataka. The first ever world bank funded dairy development program in the country started in Karnataka with the organization of village level dairy co-operative in 1974. The AMUL pattern of dairy co-operatives started functioning in Karnataka from 1974-75 with the financial assistance from world bank, operation flood II & III. The dairy co-operative were established under the ANAND pattern in a three tier structure with the village level dairy co-operative forming the base level, the district level milk unions at the middle level to take care of the procurement, processing and marketing of milk and the Karnataka milk federation as the apex body to co-operative the growth of the sector at state level. Cooperative of activities among the union and developing market for milk products is the responsibility of KMF, marketing milk in the respective jurisdiction is organized by the respective milk unions. Surplus/ deficit of liquid milk among the member milk unions is monitored by the federation. While the marketing of all the milk products is organized by KMF, both wit in and outside the state, all the milk and milk products are sold under a common brand name NANDINI. Company profile INTRODUCTION The Bangalore Milk Union Ltd. , (Bamul) was established during 1975 under Operation Flood II by keeping â€Å"Amul†as its Roll Model. At present Bamul has Bangalore Urban, Bangalore Rural & Ramanagaram Districts of Karnataka State as its area of operation for Milk Procurement and selling Milk in part of Bruhath Bangalore Mahanagara Palika (BBMP) area. Since its inception the Union is constantly striving further for dairy development and marketing activities in its milk shed area. OBJECTIVES * To organize Dairy Co-operative Societies at Village level and dissemination of information like good dairy animal husbandry and breeding practices & Clean Milk Production through Extension Services. * To provide assured market & remunerative price for the milk produced by the farmer members of the co-operative societies. * To provide technical input services like veterinary services, artificial insemination, supply of balanced cattle feed & Fodder seed materials etc., to milk producers. * To facilitate rural development by providing opportunities for self-employment at village level, thereby preventing migration to urban areas, introducing cash economy & opportunity for steady income. * To provide quality Milk and milk products to urban consumers at competitive prices. BACKGROUND On January 1st 1958 a pilot scheme to cater the Bangalore Milk Market, Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Karnataka was started Milk processing facilities & Veterinary Hospitals at National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI). Later in 1962, The Bangalore Milk Supply Scheme came into existence as an independent body. With the great efforts by the then Hon’ble Minister for Revenue & Dairying, Government of Mysore Sri M V Krishnappa, A joint venture of UNICEF, Government of India & Government of Mysore was dedicated Bangalore Dairy to the people of Karnataka State on 23rd January 1965 by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister Late Sri Lal Bahadhur Shastriji. The Bangalore Dairy scattering over an area of 52 Acres of land, the Dairy had an initial capacity to process 50,000 liters of milk per day. Bangalore Dairy underwent a structural change in December 1975, handed over to Karnataka Dairy Development Corporation (KDDC). Rural Milk Scheme of Mysore, Hassan & Kudige Districts was started under Operation Flood-II and then transferred to Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) in May 1984 as a successor of KDDC. To cater to the growing demand for milk by the consumers of Bangalore City, the capacity was increased to 1. 5 lakh liters per day under the Operation Flood-II during 1981 and later increased to 3. 5 lakh liters per day under Operation Flood-III during 1994. As per the policies of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), Bangalore Dairy was handed over to Bangalore Milk Union Ltd. , (Bamul) on 1st September 1988. The Union is capable of processing the entire milk procured, by timely implementation of several infrastructure projects like commissioning of New Mega Dairy state-of-the-art technology with a processing Capacity of 6. 0 Lakh liters per day, new chilling centers, renovation of product block etc. ,The milk shed area of Bamul comprises of 2611 revenue villages. As of now the Union has organized 1853 Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) in 2,245 villages, thereby covering 86 % of the total villages in these three districts. In these DCSs, there are 3,40,307 milk producer members. Among them 109834 members are women and 60,452 members belong to Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribes. The philosophy of this co-operative milk producers’ organisation is to eliminate middlemen and organise institutions owned and managed by milk producers, by employing professionals. Achieve economies of scale of rural milk producers by ensuring maximum returns and at the same time providing wholesome milk at reasonable price to urban consumers. Ultimately, the complex network of co-operative organisation should build a strong bridge between masses of rural producers and millions of urban consumers & achieve a socio-economic revolution in the village community. Bamul has been registered under MMPO by Central Registration Authority. Today, the Union has become the biggest Milk Co-operative Union in Southern India. Bamul has been certified for ISO 22000:2005 & ISO 9001-2000 for quality management and Food Safety Systems. In recognistion to these efforts and achievements, the National Productivity Council (NPC) of Government of India has conferred â€Å"Best Productivity Award†FIVE TIMES and â€Å"Energy Conservation Award†by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) to the Union. VISION, MISSION, OF THE UNION VISION â€Å" WISH TO GROW INTO A MODEL CO-OPERATIVE†bamul is biggest milk union in south india, fully owned and managed by milk producers of Bangalore rural and urban districts of Karnataka state. Since its incepection in 1975, union is constantly striving to further the dairy development and marketing activities in shed area. MISSION â€Å" USHERING RURAL PROSPERITY IN THE LIVES OF MEMBERS OF MILK PRODUCER†This co-operative milk producer’s orgation is to eliminate middlemen and organize institution owned by the milk producers themselves, by employing professionals, achieve economies of scale and to ensure maximum returns to the producers, at the milk producers, at the same time providing wholesome milk at reasonable price to urban consumers ultimately, the complex network of co-operative should build a strong bridge between masses of rural producers and millions of urban consumers and achieve a socio-economic revolution in the vicinity of the territory. MILESTONE: 2008 Commissioning of Channarayapatna Product Plant at a total cost of Rs. 72 Crores. * a) Launch of New products & new stunning packs (Sundae, Crazy Cone ice cream/Lite Skimmed Milk/ Cool Milcafe/Choco Milk Shake/Dairy Whitener) * b) Launch of Goodlife Slim in 1Ltr Brik. 2009 Gulbarga Dairy & Milk Marketing taking over by KMF 2009 Launch of Good Life variants in Cuttack,Orissa,Tiruchi(Tamilnadu) 2010 Peak Procurement of 41. 83 LKPD 2010 Starting of Procurement routes at N. R. Pura,Koppa Taluk(Chickmagalur District) 2010 Hosting of new KMF website wwww. kmfnandini. coop with online order facility. ORGANISATION STATUS The member producers and their Dairy Co-operative Societies (DCS) are the vital constituents of the Union and their progress is the judging yardstick on the efficiency of the Union’s operation. Hence the maximum importance has been given to their development. The Union is making intensive efforts over the years to organize DCSs in more and more villages of the three districts in the milk-shed area. Number of Functional DCS 1266 1301 1386 1433 1483 1547 1607 1657 1708 1761 1805 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2000-01 2001- 02 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005-06 2006- 07 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009-10 2010- 11 Importance has been given to enroll more and more milk producers in the villages as members of these DCS’s. While enrolling these members, more emphasis is being accorded to enroll more number of women members and to organize more women managed DCSs under STEP (Support to Training and Employment Program for Women). It is heartening to note that there is an active participation of women/ weaker sections of the society in all the dairy development activities of the Union. They have become mainstay of all the developmental programs of the Union. This has resulted in the buildup of economical benefits to the most vulnerable sections of the rural mass. As on March 2011 in these DCS , there are 3,40,307 milk producer members are enrolled and out of which 1,09,834 are women and 44,202 members belong to Schedule caste and 16,250 members belongs to schedule Tribes. Total Milk Producers & Women Membership at DCS 185166 203831 275440 289095 297162 309597 321238 327176 325854 331544 340307 32827 38878 72220 81344 85849 91746 96653 99603 102842 105804 109834 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 2000 -01 2001- 2002 2002- 03 2003- 04 2004- 05 2005- 06 2006- 07. 2007- 08 2008- 09 2009- 10 2010- 11 MILK PROCUREMENT The Milk produced by 92913 farmers at village level will be collected every day morning and Evening at DCS. Under Clean Milk Production programme, to maintain the freshness & quality of the milk 121 Bulk Milk Coolers covering 373 DCS of Total Capacity 1,59,000 Lts were installed at DCS level. During the year the Unions daily average milk procurement is 8. 47 Lakh Kgs, which works out to be 410 kgs per day per DCS. The milk procurement has increased by 2. 15 % when compared to the last year. Bamul is offering the most remunerative milk procurement price to member producers. The operational efficiency is reflected on procurement prices paid to the member producers. The average milk procurement price paid during the year was Rs. 19. 81 for every Kg of Milk supplied to the Union. Which is 80% of total cost of production. Milk collected at DCS will be transported to Chilling Centers, through 92 Milk Procurement Can Routes, by traveling 15,497 KM’s every day. 21 Bulk Milk Cooler (BMC) Routes are also in operation, which collects milk from 121 BMC centers of 373 DCS directly transported to Bangalore Dairy through insulated tankers. LIQUID MILK MARKETING. The Bangalore Milk Union is marketing milk and milk products in the brand name of â€Å"Nandini†through 1190 retailers, 38 Franchisee Outlets, 25 Milk Parlors, 224 distribution routes. The key success factor of Bamul in becoming a market leader is the narrow price spread maintained between purchase & sales, marketing higher volumes of milk. The volume of sales plays a critical role in determining costs. Hence, the market strategy of Bangalore Milk Union is to regard selling of market milk as its core marketing activity and to concentrate its efforts in this direction to increase the volume of milk sales. The impressive growth in the sale of milk by Bamul over the years is due to the persistent efforts to maintain timely supply, maintaining quality and attending to the complaints of consumers and agents with prompt follow-up action. Bamul is also organising Consumer Awareness Programme as a part of Market Development to create awareness of â€Å"Nandini†Milk through personal contacts, Door to Door campaigns, Organisational Meetings, School Children Mega Dairy Plant visit etc. , are conducting regularly. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT: The strategy of Bangalore Milk Union is â€Å"Procure More, Sell More & Serve More†and reaping the benefits of economies of scale. In order to realize this strategy, the Union has implemented the following projects so that more and more milk can be procured and processed. This will help us to serve our producer members by passing on the maximum benefits, we are consciously adopting the growth-oriented strategy of helping our producers to grow by ourselves growing constantly. Mega Dairy with a capacity to process 6 lakh litres of milk per day expandable to 10 llpd has been built by investing Rs.38. 70 crores obtained as term loan from National Dairy Development Board. The Mega Dairy, has latest state-of-the-art technological facilities in dairy processing and the Union will have the ability to manufacture milk and milk products to world class standards. Although Bamul sets standards for its products for better serve to customers, it was not possible to keep the standards stability due to manual operations. In designing mega dairy, Bamul looked towards an automated system that would allow it to achieve consistent quality parameters for each product. Energy and manpower would also be more effectively optimised and controlled and all plant equipment would be integrated. NEW Projects: Bamul has planned to convert Hosakote Chilling Center into a 2. 0. LLPD Capacity Dairy with an investment of Rs. 2427. 00 Lakh and a New Product Block at Bangalore Dairy Premises with an investment of Rs. 2033. 00 Lakhs . Bamul has SEVEN Chilling Centers geographically located around Bangalore and 85 Bulk Milk Coolers at DCS Level. Milk Product Block within the campus to manufacture Butter, Ghee, Peda, Flavoured Milk, Spiced Butter Milk, Paneer, Set Curds etc., FINANCE: The Union had an approximate turnover of Rs. 698. 47 crores in the year 2010-11 as against Rs. 527. 76 Crores for the year 2009-10. TECHNICAL INPUT SERVICES: Bangalore Milk Union is providing various Technical Input & Extension Services to the milk producer members & their Dairy animals through ELEVEN Camp Offices situated in each Taluk i. e. , Anekal, Bangalore Head Office (Bangalore South), Yelahanka (Bangalore North), Channapattana, Devanahalli, Doddaballapura, Hosakote, Kanakapura, Solur (Magadi), Nelamangala & Ramanagara. From these camps the Technical Input services like Weekly Mobile Veterinary Service, Emergency Veterinary Service, Artificial Insemination Service, Periodical Vaccinations, Balanced Cattle Feed Sales, Mineral Mixture Sales, Fodder development and Fodder Seed Production, Clean Milk Production practices, Extension Services for Cattle Feeding, breeding, insurance and milk production etc. , will be carried over. ANIMAL HEALTH AND OTHER ACTIVITIES ANIMAL HEALTH The Union is taking special care to promote the health of the cattle of member milk producers. Veterinary facilities have been extended to all the DCS. Mobile veterinary routes, emergency veterinary routes, Health camps, vaccination against foot & mouth disease and thaileriosis diseases, etc. , are being regularly done. Regularly Deworming is also done for the cattle. There is also a backup of First Aid Services to needy DCS’s. Particulars| 2006-07| 2007-08| 2008-09| 2009-10| 2010-11| MVR Cases Treated| | | | 43761| 171613| Health Camp cases Treated| 128174| 149565| 166198| 118307| | Emergency Cases Treated| 63818| 70735| 70420| 74773| 88440| F& M Vaccination| 377654| 430431| 373107| 528259| 506479| Rakshavac| 13675| 13395| 18094| 26227| 22176|. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Artificial Insemination (AI) has been the main functional tool in dictating this upsurge of development of Dairying in Bamul. Farmers have taken up cross-breeding from way back in 1962. The Union has surveyed and appropriately located AI centers based on cattle population. It is also popularized the idea of cluster AI centers and replace the Single AI centers in a phased manner. The use of progeny tested semen from â€Å"Nandini Sperm Station†is also giving a further boost to the breeding activities. Particulars| 2005-06| 2006-07| 2007-08| 2008-09| 2009-10| 2010-11| No. of Single AI Centers| 320| 248| 251| 259| 259| 242| No. of AI Done| 1,66,614| 1,27,320| 1,11,536| 1,12,740| 1,16,002| 113300| No. of Cluster AI Centers| 64| 89| 94| 96| 101| 111| No. of AI Done| 1,38,895| 1,69,950| 1,69,185| 1,92,207| 1,97,645| 227761| Total AI Done| 3,05,509| 2,97,270| 2,80,721| 3,04,947| 313647| 341061| To reduce infertility in cattle, a frontal attack has been continuously attempted by conducting Special Infertility Camps under the expert guidance and by the use of infertility connected drugs. During 1999-2000, a Vertical Silo of 10,000 liter capacity for storing Liquid Nitrogen has been installed under TMDD program in collaboration with National Dairy Development Board and Karnataka Milk Federation. In addition this facility is being used for supplying liquid nitrogen to neighboring Unions and also to Department of Animal Husbandry. This has helped in protecting the quality of semen straws, thereby considerably increasing the probability of conception during artificial insemination of cattle. CATTLE FEED & FODDER DEVELOPMNET. The Union is implementing several programs to increase milk production and also to reduce the cost of milk production in the milk shed area. Balanced cattle feed is being procured from the Cattle Feed Plants of KMF for distribution among member producers. Fodder seeds are distributed to member producers at subsidized rates. In addition to this, technical advice, Silage Demonstrations, Azzolla Demonstrations and Straw Treatment Demonstrations are also being conducted at DCS level. Chaff Cutters are supplied at subsidized rates. Cattle Feed Sales: Particulars| 2005-06| 2006-07| 2007-08| 2008-09| 2009-10| 2010-11| CF Sales (in MT’s)| 28515| 29813| 33359| 37691| 40529| 45233| A Seed Processing plant was commissioned at Rajankunte by investing Rs. 41 lakhs. The Union is catering to the Seed production needs of many Unions in Karnataka and also of Southern India. YASHASVINI HEALTH INSURANCE: Yashasvini Health Insurance Scheme was muted by Government of Karnataka during the year 2001-02. This scheme was implemented by Coperative department, Members of Co-operative Societies and their family members are the beneficiaries of this scheme. The annual premium is Rs. 120/- per beneficiary. All major hospitals are adopted for this scheme, all types of surgery will be covered under this health scheme. Bangalore Milk union has covered 1. 50 Lakh beneficiaries under this scheme by contributing Rs 30/- towards premium per beneficiary. CATTLE INSURANCE: Bangalore Milk Union is providing Insurance Coverage to the Dairy animals in collaboration with United India Insurance Ltd. , 40,238 animals are covered under this Insurance. The annual premium is 2. 22% of the value of the animal. 50% of the annual premium of Rs. 122. 99 Lakh was borne by bamul. IN THIS MILLENNIUM. We want to become not only the largest Union, but also become one amongst the best-run milk unions in the country. The Union is aware of the challenges of the new private entrants, who are mainly thriving on unfair trade practices. They procure milk at least cost, without bothering about the welfare of the producers and without extending any technical inputs for improving milk production. They market milk by resorting to unhealthy and unethical practices deceiving the unsuspecting consumers. The Union wants to counter this in a positive manner by trying to improve its efficiency of operation and market promotion. It wants to become well trenched in the market as market leader. It wants to follow the strategy of cost-competitiveness, which is hard to match by the competitors. PROGRESS AND ACHIEVEMENT OF THE UNION SINCE ITS INCEPTION 1. Establishment of the Union: * Bangalore Co-operative Milk Producers’ Societies Union Ltd. was established on 16th November 1976. * After the bifurcation of the above Union, into two separate union for Bangalore Districts (Urban and Rural) and Kolar District, Bangalore Urban and Rural District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Societies Union Ltd. (BAMUL) on 23rd March 1987. * Bangalore Dairy was took over by BAMUL on 1st September 1988. * Bangalore Mega Dairy started functioning on 17th December 2000 * MMPO-1992 Registration No 42/R. MMPO/93 * Bangalore Dairy ISO 22000-2005 & ISO 9001-2000 Certified by Standard Australia International (SAI) Global Ltd. , a reputed Australian based company during 2006. 2. Infrastructure at the time of inception & subsequent expansion – year-w.
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